The Knights Battalion Welcomes You
To The JROTC Page!
We take pride in this program and hope you and your child have a fun time while we demonstrate how to have fun and be disiplined at the same time.
Below are able to see a few new tabs. First we have our Fort Johnson Field Trip Memories.
Next we have upcoming JROTC events.
After that we have Our History, which includes how we came to be and more.
Next we have Our Army Instructors, then following that we have What is AJROTC?
If you are wondering about information about joining the army, the next tab is for you. Army Info.
Information about our Uniforms and Special Teams is on the next tab.
And finally, we have a selection of photos of our Knights Battallion in Action
Current Condition: broken clouds
Temperature: 62.98˚F
Feels Like: 63.54˚F
Wind Speeds: 2.73mph
Weather humidity: 97%
Chance of Precipitation: %