Hello to all my students!
I miss you all terribly and I pray you are all healthy and obeying the quarantine so we can get back to school as soon as possible. I cannot wait to see your smiling faces. Please feel free to email me with any questions you may have...even if they have nothing to do with math. You may message me via the school app (conversations) or through Google email (cgregory@beau.k12.la.us).
Please take some time to work on these assignments. I really need for you to be ready when we get back to school or worst case, ready for Algebra II. Use the above mentioned websites to help you if you need. In order to receive the 100 points, you must show work. Download the assignments to your digital device when you have service or wifi and then you won’t have to do it again.
PARENTS: Khan Academy has posted free schedules for working with your kids at home. It’s all free. Check it out at www.khanacademy.com
Here is the link to the schedules and they are age appropriate/specific. https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vSZhOdEPAWjUQpqDkVAlJrFwxxZ9Sa6zGOq0CNRms6Z7DZNq-tQWS3OhuVCUbh_-P-WmksHAzbsrk9d/pub
Much love,
Mrs. Gregory