Teacher & School Expectations
S - Strive for Excellence
I expect students to work to their highest potential and to take responsibility for their own success.
- Be on task and follow directions at all times. Pay attention, take notes, complete assignments, do not waste class time with unproductive behavior.
- Be responsible. Come to class each day with all supplies, be organized, complete assignments, study,ask questions when you don't understand, make up work immediately after an absence, practice and study extra when you are having difficulty mastering a concept.
B - Be Respectful
I expect each student to be respectful to all people at all times in my classroom.
- Refrain from talking or interrupting in any way when I am teaching.
- Refrain from profanity or inappropriate discussion topics at all times in my classroom.
- Refrain from any activity which disturbs or hinders the learning of others.
H - Have a Positive Attitude
I expect each student to be positive about themselves, their school work, their peers, their school and it's faculty, and their community and country.
- Refrain from negative comments or behaviors toward peers, school, faculty, community, or country.
- Refrain from having a negative attitude toward schoolwork. High school classes can be difficult but having a negative attitude only makes the task at hand that much more difficult, a positive attitude is your best ally in accomplishing any task.
S - Stay Safe
I expect each student to practice and encourage safe behaviors in my classroom.
- Refrain from any behavior that could possibly cause injury to yourself or others.
- Refrain from any behavior that would initiate or promote unsafe behavior in others.
- Refrain from any behavior that could possibly cause destruction or defacement of any kind to property of the school, your peers, or yourself.