NOTE 1: All participants will take notes of the meeting and turn-in to the SAI/AI for review and evaluation. 1.a. Chaplain Invocation
- Cadet of the Month recommendations from A/B Company Cdrs
- Any Personnel/Administration concerns? 5. S2 SITREP - The week's weather report through Saturday - Weekly Sensitive Item Inventory findings - Monthly Rifle Inventory findings - Facility/Equipment Security issues - Any Intelligience/Security concerns? 6. S3 SITREP - Upcoming 5Ws for four weeks calendar of events, i.e. Who, What, When, Where, Why, How/event (allow Mission Commander to brief if one is designated for a particular event) - Weekly Training Schedule report (changes from BC/SAI/AI, recommended updates/changes) - topics scheduled for this week - Any Training and/or Operations concerns? 7. S4 SITREP - Any new Clothing Items, Supplies and/or Equipment received since last meeting - Any shortage clothing items, supplies and/or equipment - Appearance, stock level concerns, cleanliness of Supply Room - Any Supply and/or Logistic concerns? - 10%/100% inventory and status
8. S5 SITREP - Events covered since last meeting - Events to be covered this week - Articles to local news media, JROTC site, school announcements - Battalion News-Letter status - Battalion History status 9. S6 SITREP - Modifications made to JROTC Website since last meeting - CPU, Printer, Projector, White Board, Camera, issues - Any Technology and/or Web Page management concerns? 10. CSM - observations/concerns about overall cadet Training, Conduct, Appearance and Morale within the battalion, and about general appearance, maintenance, and security/safety of battalion facilities, grounds, equipment and supplies. 10a. CSG- observations/concerns about JROTC help, aiding, and assisting inner organizations (ie, donations, personnel, Color Guard etc)
11. XO - recap of taskings and suspense dates assigned to staff by Bn Cdr and/or Insturctors 12. BC - closing remarks to include PURPOSE, MOTIVATION, AND DIRECTION as he/she see appropriate |